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Clan Information

A brief history on the Clans

Worcester was gone, and in his departure the Underworld lacked the strong direction and power only an Immortal can provide. A struggle for control was inevitable.

Several species began to return to their previous habitats, away from the mass-integration which marked the main cavern in the Underworld. More might be said on them later.

The demons were the only ones to stay close to the old temple and the army encampment. Previously feared for their great unity, they too began to shatter into different, competing groups. From these groups formed the eight main Clans, although there were far more than eight at the time.

Kharak-Tul, whose fate is widely known, emerged as the leader of the most powerful Clan at the time. Wisely, after he was slain, the rest of his followers dissipated among the remaining eight Clans.

Seeing the inherent possibilities and advantages groups of specialized demons provided, Corin and Kilana decided to keep them as they were. The Clans are the army.

The other species remain scattered around the Underworld, and rather than spend their precious time taming them all once more, the Masters of Death send the demons to do the job. It is an ongoing process, and it keeps them occupied. The real reason the demons are utilized should now be known… 

Phantom Arrows Clan


What we enjoy most is seeing the hopelessness our victims have while trying to escape our arrows, javelins, boulders… We are fiercely competitive, and almost never go for a clean kill–whatever that is. Better to hit an arm or leg, that they might think they have a chance to escape. Our Clan is versatile enough to be used in myriad situations, so we are never wanting for battle.

Death’s Falcon

  • Keys: Must be proficient in missile weapons.
  • Open to: Demons.
  • Troops: Third largest command (tied).
  • Tattoo: Large arrow running along the forearm.
  • Rumors:
    • When bored, members of the Clan are rumored to sit on hilltops, killing whomever comes within range.
    • The Falcon once caused a war. Two groups in the Overworld were just finishing a peace talk in the middle of the battlefield. As one of the leaders walked away, the Falcon sent an arrow that planted itself in the leader’s backside. Of course, the suspicion fell on the other army immediately. Noting the great success of one arrow, the Falcon has apparently used that method several times since then.
    • Members of the Clan have superb eyesight, better even than the Forerunners (and doesn’t that gall the Herald). Why this is true is not yet known. Perhaps the answer lies in a name.
    • The Falcon has been seen multiple times entering the Pontiff’s habitat.

Silent Ward Clan


Guarding is existence. 

Death’s Guardian

  • Keys: Open to anyone except those greatly verbose. Determination and an intense sense of duty mark them.
  • Open to: Demons and Humanoids.
  • Troops: Fourth largest command (tied).
  • Tattoo: Shield on the forehead.
  • Rumors:
    • Some clansmen have reportedly killed themselves after failing to protect their charges.
    • The Guardian used to be a troubadour. When asked, he didn’t even blink.
    • Where, if anywhere, they reside is not yet known.
    • A Gate guard is said to have finished a long sentence

The Dark Fellowship


All praise to the Master and Mistress! May they forever stalk the depths of the Underworld! They are the future! They are the present! They scorn the past! I must away to the temple to properly sacrifice a thousand babes in their name! Meet me there, you of faith!

Death’s Pontiff


The Pontiff will be raving for some hours yet, so I will complete this. The Fellowship is devoted to the day-to-day praise of us, I admit. Ceremonies are often held, and we appreciate them–more for what they contain than why it’s done, of course. Services aside, the Fellowship focuses on uses of the soul as we allow. They’re determined to find out every little secret about the amount of control they are given. We encourage that, and as they move up in ranks we enhance their abilities. The discovery of range, of course, remains theirs.

Demons and Humanoids approach the ways of this group differently. In both cases, however, they are skilled in magic.

  • Keys: Proficiency in magic. Great faith and devotion.
  • Open to: Demons and Humanoids.
  • Troops: Fourth largest command (tied).
  • Tattoo: Skull on the forehead.
  • Rumors:
    • As eager as they are to find out the secrets we’ve opened the doors to, they are notoriously tight-lipped in regards to sharing that information.
    • The Pontiff once went into a rage during a ceremony when a drop of blood from a chalice was spilled on the ground. Everyone died, and I do mean everyone.
    • New beasts, mixed souls?

Blades of Ruin Clan


We are the true elite. We are one. Members of our order are never without a weapon, in any circumstances; our weapons are merely extensions of our skill and determination. The notion of losing is alien to us. Thus, we never lose.

We detest a silent, dishonorable kill. What could be better than beating one on equal ground? As equal as anyone ever is to us, of course. To see the expression painted on their faces as my scimitars slice off their arms…

Join us if you can, but I need only the talented.

Death’s Blade

  • Keys: Proficiency, or at least some knowledge, with at least two weapons (missile weapons does not count). When available, the Scimitar should be used as the primary weapon.
  • Open to: Demons.
  • Troops: Second largest command.
  • Tatoo: Crossed scimitars on the back of the hand.
  • Rumors:
    • Word of ancient rituals being performed abound.
    • With the skill of the Blades so astonishing, the question as to who really trains them is always pondered.
    • The Blade was recently seen talking with two other Clan leaders. Who they are is not immediately known.
    • The Blade once chopped off his own arm and three fingers to prove he could still defeat the Beast. The Beast broke those fingers, so the Blade immediately used his feet to launch a scimitar right at his opponent’s neck. Kilana, delighted with the display, promptly healed them both. There is apparently no antagonism between the two demons: quite the opposite, some whisper.

Forerunners of the Horde Clan


A good eye, a quick mouth (and mind), and the simple enjoyment of a good torture are what I look for in an applicant. You will be working alone a great deal. Clear, concise reports will be needed. A controlled temper, at least on the scouting or spying missions, is a must. Indulge your desires only if you won’t get caught and it won’t affect the temple.

Above all, show the Stalkers up. They’re unnecessary. I’ll make them my boot washers one of these days, and the Wraith my maid.

Death’s Herald

  • Keys: Be able to assess what is or is not important about any given piece of information, or area. The ability to cloak yourself is a must. Be intelligent.
    Open to: Demons and Humanoids.
  • Troops: Smallest command… perhaps.
  • Tattoo: An open eye on the palm.
  • Rumors:
    • The Herald was seen dancing with a follower of Caerwyn. Naturally, the rumor was thought to be started by the Wraith. His words: “I’m not stupid enough to start a rumor indicating a massive demon was waltzing with a little chit. He was probably playing with his food.”
    • A secret, sanctioned war with the Stalkers? Corin had no comment (almost as amazing as the Guardian talking).

Storm Riders Clan


What is there to say? The only true place for a demon is in the air, of that everyone can agree I’m sure. And that is why you find my Clan and I there, raining death upon the ants on the ground. When a storm of demons swarms around any creature foolish enough to take to the sky, the cloud of blood which forms during the frenzy is a sight to behold!

Try to join us, or not. I do not care. The air calls to me once more.

Death’s Tempest

  • Keys: Must be a greater demon or higher to join.
  • Open to: Demons.
  • Troops: Third largest command (tied).
  • Tattoo: Lightning, like a scar, across any eye.
  • Rumors:
    • The Tempest claims his fliers took down an ancient dragon. No corpse has been found. “We ate him,” was the response.
    • The Clan reportedly has build a beehive of sorts in the upper areas of the main cavern. It’s also said that these tunnels extend a great distance.
      Whether or not a recent event involving mortal dropping did or did not occur is still being looked into. Corin and Kilana have stated publicly that they only want to know who won.
    • Members of the Clan respond viciously to questions as to whether they do or do not oil their wings.

First Strike Clan


Helo frum me, RAMBIS, DETHS BEEST! To joyn wyth us yu must be ov strong byld–lyke me–and week mynd (soe Mastr sai). Lectule purse-suts ar not gud. Onle kylng gud. Mastr and Mystress lov kylng. Soe kylng gud. Wayt, Mastr ymp-atent, wunt to tawk. 


I apologize for Rambus. He isn’t much to listen to, and I shouldn’t have even thought of making him write, but he’s amazing in a battle. Very charismatic, too. In any case, to succeed in this Clan you need to be an incredible fighter. Brute strength, fast action, and most importantly the ability to follow orders, all of these things are needed. If you enjoy wenching, drinking, brawling, and other away-from-the-army pursuits, you’ll find no end to the volunteers to go with you to one of the Underworld’s pubs. This Clan is fiercely loyal (and fiercely odorous, by some accounts) to each other. It’s not uncommon to see one actually share a leg or two with a fellow reaper, in the midst of a battle.

  • Key: Strength is the most important aspect of any applicant. There’s a reason why they’re our front line. Hand-to-hand fighting only. 
  • Open to: Demons. 
  • Troops: Largest command. 
  • Tattoo: Crossed fists, left cheek. 
  • Rumors:
    • There are no rumors. Combined, their total intellectual power is almost enough to create fire. If they ever found out a secret or tried to hide something, it would be on the lips of everyone within the hour. Similarly, it’d take weeks for them to realize that.

Moonlight Stalkers Clan


You are, more than likely, unworthy of our time. Silent, clever, and skilled in the arts of assassination; you think that describes you? Laughable.

If, after a miracle, I let you join our Clan, you must constantly prove yourself. If you fail me, well, those reports I send to the Master and Mistress about missing demons are often… colored. (Note from Corin: looking into it.)

Obedience, unquestioning obedience, is necessary. I don’t have the time to explain myself to you, let alone hold your hand. I expect you to constantly train; a honed body and mind make for a greater number of casualties.

We are not a close group. What little time we spend together is oft represented by cold detachment. We are singular powers. 

Death’s Wraith 

  • Keys: Must be able to assassinate and cloak yourself. Must never get on the bad side of the Wraith. 
  • Open to: Demons and Humanoids. 
  • Troops: Second smallest command. 
  • Tattoo: Drop of blood (black/red), as a forming tear under any eye. 
  • Rumors: 
    • At a recent feast, amid questions of how effectively demons in particular can move among the populace, seemingly with ease, the Wraith laughed and said, “Why, I’m well-loved in all the major cities. Many of the Stalkers are.” 
    • It is still whispered that the Stalkers are not only used upon the Overworlders. 
    • Once trapped in a room with no doors, windows, or cracks of any kind, the Wraith and a few apprentices escaped without magical means. 
    • In light of all their high-profile assassinations, the general feeling is there must be a horde of valuable items in the Stalker’s Clan abode. 

Ready to Join a Clan?

Here’s what you do: 

Your first step is to choose which Clan currently fits with your personality and lifestyle. The posts on each Clan should provide enough information concerning their overall specializations. If you have specific questions, please contact me directly, or address it to your hopeful Clan leader.

After choosing your Clan, you next need to write to the Clan Leader with a petition to join it. This is done using the following formula: send an email to the Clan Overseer (my secretary) with a message entitled (for example), “(Clan Name) Applicant: (Your Name.)” In the body of the email you will construct a story outlining a specific time where you have used the skills most dear to your desired Clan. Example: Moonlight Stalker applicant describes a situation where he assassinated a diplomat on his way from Frostfall to Goldcroft. Don’t just describe the bloody incident, but provide your motivations/reasons for doing such. You should compose it in such a way as you would tell a story to a group of people. The Clan Leader will then respond, either accepting or rejecting you.

NOTE: Pay attention to what the Clan Leader has to say about each Clan, it will give you a good indication of what he wants to hear about–sometimes, anyway.

Yes, the story is your first “quest”. It will get you to your first rank in the Clan. Only the first quest is the same for each Clan. Obviously, though, what you write will be different.

Along with your petition, you must send the following information in the body of an email(s): kill list, skill/spell lists, stats text. You will do this periodically, and will be told when it’s needed. If you send it all separately from the story petition, the subject of your email should look like this: “(Clan Name) Skill List: (Your Name).”

The benefits of being in a Clan may not be readily clear. The Clan system is the army. While currently you have the ranks of Lesser, Soldier, Greater, and so on, that is more an indication of your overall racial status (power), not of your position and specific function in the army. The Clan system will provide you with your rank and the necessary requirements for advancement in the army. Through the Clan system you are put in direct command (if you advance past the first and second rank) of troops for military purposes. I’ll discuss the high points of that later on.

It’s time for me to explain just how you go about advancing from one rank to the next. Though you can only get so far if you are a Lesser Demon in a Clan, it’s still fairly simple to advance through the army ranks, even getting far enough to command troops — in varying numbers. It will be easier to advance for many reasons. First and foremost, the Clan Leaders are less picky than Mistress Kilana and I, and require different things. Due to that, you will be getting some quests for advancement that may be fairly simple. Others will not be simple.

In any case, let’s say you’re a first rank in the Stalkers. Once you are that rank, you are automatically given the next quest for the second rank. To indicate to your Clan Leader that you have finished the quest, in your own eyes at least, send an email to the Demon Overseer titled, “(Clan Name) (Quest Number): (Your Name).”

Many of the quests require you to send something, and often it might be a log. The correct way to send a log is to put as much as you can in the body of an email, and then the remaining bit in as many emails as it takes. I will not accept files. Also, the log must be edited; keep only what is relevant. Title the email so I know what it is.

Here’s why you might want to do it:

To be honest, there actually is quite a bit of work. You’ll be required to kill a lot, and you’ll be given assignments that require you to do events (small, medium or large), among other things. At this time, the only true benefit is that it’s great role-play, and fun for a lot of people–maybe even you. It increases your reputation a great deal, too.

The rank system is setup to allow for a lot of variety. Some of the ranks are descriptive, and you might think that’s limiting or bad role-play. That’s a valid opinion, but here are my reasons: the Clans are not a very serious thing, overall. Primarily, the Clan leaders wanted the ranks to either sound good or to provide a function. Example of the former: Mad Doctor. Example of the latter: Watchman.

You need not act like a Mad Doctor, and you need not role-play entirely being a Watchman. However, I think it’d be fun to do as it provides a plethora of opportunities for something new to drive your character (especially the more functional ones), rather than all the usual stuff. In other words, it adds depth.

Of course, the best part is you get to command troops at various stages. Through the quests, you’ll find out that you even get to utilize this in different ways. But that aside, once you’re told, “you now control a squad,” or something similar, you can go around role-playing that fact. Feel free to point out that we’ve sanctioned it, since you might not be taken seriously otherwise. You won’t be controlling thousands of troops, no. Hundreds in some cases, yes, but it increases as you advance. Note: It does NOT mean you will be wandering around the Overworld with your troops all behind you. Keep a squad–or the equivalent–with you if you wish, but anything significantly larger intimates something you might not want it to. (Not to mention me.)

Things to keep in mind (IMPORTANT):
1. Once you enter the Clan System, you cannot leave. Later, if you wish to switch Clans, I will tell you how. But after joining the organized army, we aren’t letting you go. Suck it up, recruit.

2. Remember to always log when fulfilling certain quests (I’ll try to tell you when, but it’s often intuitive).

3. It’s possible to cheat the system. While I look upon the Clans as fairly informal, I will be vastly offended if you do cheat. If caught, you are automatically returned to the first rank. If you are the first rank, or I deem you’re not far enough along for it to be relevant, something more interesting will be done. Of course, all that said, I’ll do whatever the heck I want to do.

4. You must reach all the ranks in a sequence before you are able to be promoted outside of the Clan. (Meaning, to get from Demon Soldier to Greater Demon, you have to complete the quest to get to the first Clan rank in Greater Demon.) Example:

Demon Soldier:

  1. Ant
  2. Roach
  3. Pest

Greater Demon:
4. Bug
5. Rat
6. Bear

Having completed the quest for Pest, your next quest is for Bug. Once you complete the quest for Bug, you are ready to move to the rank of Bug However, that does not mean you can. Kilana or I must first promote you to Greater Demon, outside of the Clans; then, and only then, can you become the rank of Bug. It’s rather confusing: ask if you are.

5. If you’re uncomfortable with the idea of doing events and/or writing (which will often be public), don’t join a Clan. With writing, I may allow for a substitute quest. Don’t count on it, however; if you can write a history, you can do whatever is necessary.

6. Proceed at your own pace. Don’t feel pressured into anything; indeed, some of the quests will work best if you pace yourself.

Final Thoughts:

Let me briefly thank Catseyes and Grimnar for their assistance early on in the process of forming these Clans.
There’s a lot to take in at the moment, so you can imagine what it was like making it all. With that in mind, if you see any inconsistencies or needs for clarification, don’t hesitate to write to me about it. Just make it clear in the subject that it is one of those things.

Good luck.
